Tour 2015: Manchester United 0-2 PSG

01/08/2015 12:11

Disappointing is the word which perfectly describes how the 2015 Tour of the U.S. ended.


Having already won three out of our four pre-season games a win against PSG would have seen us win the ICC trophy but a poor defensive display prevented that.


Chances fell either way with David De Gea making errors, Zlatan Ibrahimovic missing good chances and Memphis launching shots into the atmosphere.


Link up play between Rooney and Memphis throughout the match was a thing of beauty but the link up play between Jones and De Gea saw United go one down.


With the ball in no mans land in between Keeper and Defender they both came clattering in tot the same ball leaving Blasie Matudi to pick up the pieces and put PSG one up.


PSG were soon two up as Ibrahimovic got in behind our defence and slotted the ball past De Gea. Yet again poor defending and an easy goal for the Ligue 1 Champions.


De Gea was then substituted at half time due to his poor performance. In the second half it was a lot better from United even though PSG adopted the Chelsea style of park the bus.


The Red Devils continuing were putting pressure on with young talent Andreas Periera threading again to steal the show.


United were throwing chance after chance at PSG but their defence held strong.


At the end of the match and the tour it had been simple to summarise. The potential is their with three out of four wins but the final pre season match showed previously hidden and dark errors which our defence mainly has come to know of in the last few seasons.